MoMo R5.1: User Guide

1. Contents: 1.1What is MoMo?
1.2What is this document?
2. Setup: 2.1Prerequisites
2.2Installation of files
2.3Network installation
2.5Add MoMo to the Matlab's search path
2.6License activation
2.7 Summary: installation per net/computer/user
3. Preferences:3.1General
3.2Default values
3.3MoMo's preferences
3.4Computer identification
3.5Paths for MoMo
3.7Data base folder
3.8Study and staff lists
4. Sessions: 4.1General
4.2MoMo GUI
4.3Examination information
4.6Zoom diagrams
4.7Y-limits in diagrams
4.8Export diagrams
4.9Color-bar sheets
4.10Single trials
4.11Recent sessions
4.12Report problems
5. Command line:5.1General
5.3Passing input arguments
5.4MoMo's control struct Job
5.5Short description of arguments
5.6Full description of arguments
5.7 Session-sets and norm data
6. Models: 6.1What is a model?
6.2Model class
6.3Model interface
6.4Model script - MI50B interface
6.5MI50C interface
6.6Measurement class of trials
6.7Order of model evaluations
6.8Output of models
6.9Creating new models
6.10Show model details
6.11User function
7. C3D Toolbox:7.1fC3D toolbox functions
7.2C3D as diagrams
7.3C3D as animation
8. Administration:8.1Log files
8.2Trial cache files
8.4MoMo's self-test
8.5Editing MoMo's sources
8.6Localize sources
8.9Disclaimer of warranty
9. Changes:8.1Locations of lists
8.2List of changes
8.3Open bugs

1.1 What is MoMo?

MoMo is a software for the evaluation of sessions recorded by Vicon-Workstation. Variables written to the trial files can be displayed and 3D models based on the trajectories of markers can be calculated. MoMo is written in Matlab and shipped with an extensive tool box called "GLTools". It includes functions for accessing C3D, ENF and ASCII files. C3D files can be visualized in 2D diagrams or as 3D movies. A graphical user interface allows for the daily use in clinical routine and expert users can call MoMo as batch process with a variety of commands.

1.2 What is this document?

This document describes the installation, maintenance and usage of MoMo. It is thought for users and the local MoMo administrator.
Creation of this document: 01-Feb-2009, MoMo 5.0.10
Later changes are marked with New, Removed or Modified, which are links to the list of changes.
Last update of this document: 22-Jan-2022, MoMo 5.1.34
The short and full lists of input arguments are created automatically by MoMo to keep the documentation uptodate with the source code. See see: momo cleanup and Administration: Edit MoMo's sources.
A version of this document is shipped together with MoMo. The newest version including the list of new features and fixed bugs can be found at:
There you find the newest list of changes and open bugs also.

1.3 Conventions

Author: © Jan Simon, Imprint / Impressum   File: Help/momo_5.1/index.html    22-Jan-2022   MoMo: 5.1.34